Photography of Sarah Jane Coffey, trauma therapist, couples therapist and grief counselor in Boulder, Colorado.

Through, PLLC

Sarah Jane Coffey,


Therapist · Couples Counselor · DEATH DOULA

HI! I’m sarah Jane (she/her).

I am passionate about providing approachable, compassionate, and ​attuned mental health care. Therapy is a collaboration. I will meet you ​where you are and together we will work to honor your unique ​identity, experiences, needs, and goals. I utilize mindfulness, ​transpersonal, and somatic approaches to therapy. I am trained in ​EMDR for trauma and PACT couples counseling. Sessions are ​available in my Northeast Boulder office or telehealth.


Individual Therapy

You are welcome here.

My therapeutic approach is phenomenological. It is about your ​process of self-discovery and healing rather than my interpretation.

Common challenges I work with include:

  • Trauma
  • Grief
  • Anxiety
  • Attachment
  • Relationship
  • Aging
  • Illness
  • Conflict

I believe in relying on evidence-based modalities and treatments ​while allowing space for the magic of spontaneity, creativity, humor, ​kindness, and compassion. Modalities and approaches I use in my ​work include:

  • Mindfulness
  • Gestalt
  • ACT
  • EMDR
  • Partswork
  • Past Reality Integration
  • Somatic
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

I welcome clients of all abilities and neurology, including folks with intellectual disabilities and neurodiversity.

A few things you should know about working with me:

I want you to be you.

In sessions with me, you will feel seen and heard, as you are. We will work to reach a place where you feel safe enough to be ​vulnerable and share freely with me, understanding your stories and experiences are held in the highest confidence. If you are a ​person who experiences or has experienced the feeling of being othered in this world, me too. Driven by my own personal ​experience, I strive to hold a space that liberates both you and me from oppressive systemic social beliefs and “norms”. I will ​not only affirm your identity, we’ll celebrate it.

There will be no toxic positivity.

Gratitude lists, looking at the bright side, counting our blessings… they’re pretty great, and evidence-based tools. But when you ​are brought to your knees by grief, depression, anxiety, or just the brutality that is a part of human experience from time to time, ​the last thing you need is someone telling you that you should think about what a nice day it is outside. I am really, really good at ​being with hard things and it is an honor to be with folks in those places. Hard and challenging feelings are here to be felt and ​moved through, not fixed or figured out.

You’re going to get to learn.

The cornerstone of client empowerment is education and understanding. For this reason, I explain approaches, psychotherapy ​models, the neuroscience behind why we feel the way we do, and why I’m suggesting we do what we do.

We’ll be clear about what we’re doing here.

Our work is purposeful and goal-oriented. We will collaborate on a treatment plan that outlines the objectives of our work ​together, the modalities we will be using in session, and identify benchmarks we can use to evaluate how treatment is serving ​you. With a treatment plan in place, we both know what we’re doing, where we’re going, and how we’ll know when we get ​there…or get off track. The treatment plan is the living agreement between us of what we are doing in therapy to keep us ​intentional and purposeful with your time and financial investment in therapy.

My goal is to work myself out of a job.

My goal for all clients is that that treatment will empower you to care for yourself, and we will reach a point where you no longer ​need regular treatment. The amount of time this takes varies client to client, but I always hold this orientation my work.

There are things bigger than you and me.

I have a transpersonal orientation to therapy. I believe in spiritual growth, exploration, and actualization as part of the healing ​and human process. Conceptions of spirituality in our work are rooted in what you believe or don’t. Our work will offer the ​opportunity to seek and identify beliefs that support your healing and let go of old ideas that are no longer serving you.

Service to ease suffering is one of my core values and purpose in doing this work. The writer Rachel Naomi Remen puts it best, ​Helping, fixing, and serving represent three different ways of seeing life. When you help, you see life as weak. When you fix, you see ​life as broken. When you serve, you see life as whole. Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego, and service the work of the soul.

It’s a privilege and an honor to get to be with you in this way, and to bear witness to your healing and growth.


Couples* Counseling

Love & Logistics

It’s not just you. We’ve all heard it before: long-term relationships are not easy. But what if they could be easier? What if there are ​skills, approaches, and understanding you could co-create with your partner that would make genuine caring and mutuality in ​your relationship a reality? Enough so that you were able to reconnect to the romance and passion that brought you together in ​the first place?

There is no user manual for relationships that works for everyone because no two relationships are the same. What we can do is ​create the manual for your relationship that will cultivate the relationship that’s right for you.

I use PACT-- the Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy, as the foundation of relationship work. PACT offers a structured ​and holistic approach, integrating attachment theory, neuroscience, and practical skills to promote healthy and secure ​relationships.

We’ll start by identifying your goals for therapy, whether it is moving through a particular challenge, cultivating more connection ​and intimacy in your relationship, or just getting back to liking each other again in a new stage of complexity in your lives.

You’ll learn skills and tools to navigate ruptures in your relationship in an effective, nonviolent, non-triggering, efficient manner ​to get to repair faster in our first session. These skills work wonders for moving through even the most daunting challenges, ​including loss of trust, infidelity, desire differences, or—heaven help us—raising children. I know, because I use them myself. And ​I have too (3) many kids!

We’ll then start working on creating the user manual for your relationship that will help you achieve your goals, including ​improved communication, growing intimacy and connection, resolving (even long-standing) wounds, supporting the long-term ​health of your relationship, and even better navigating what to do about your in-laws.

Interested? I offer couples a free 20-minute phone consult to assess fit. Call or email to schedule.

*I welcome all relationship constellations, including polyamorous and non-monogamous.



I received my Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Naropa University ​with a concentration in Mindfulness-Based Transpersonal Counseling. I am a Licensed ​Professional Counselor Candidate in the state of Colorado.

Prior to becoming a therapist, I had a ten-plus-year career in the high-growth ​technology startup ecosystem as a community manager, product manager, and ​content manager. I no longer am interested in doing more faster, but I can still hold ​my own in conversations about software development, equity-based compensation, ​venture capital, and technology accelerators.

In addition to offering individual and couples therapy, I am a NEDA-certified Death ​Doula. I completed my doula training with Alua Arthur of Going with Grace and ​participated in the Being with Dying program facilitated by Roshi Joan Halifax of ​Upaya Zen Center. I also have the privilege of serving as a hospice volunteer.

I am passionate about doing the work of social justice and actively invested in continuing to explore and liberate myself and my ​work from oppressive systems and their beliefs. I strive to offer a therapeutic approach that is decolonized and queer, and am ​dedicated to the ongoing self-work, education, and pursuit of resources and mentorship to do so.

I come to the work of mental health care following many years of healing, self-exploration, and growth. I believe in therapy ​because it has had an impact on me and it is an honor to have the opportunity to now provide that to others. I have and meet ​with a therapist regularly today.

I utilize the powerful resource that is supervision to continue my learning, bring additional perspectives and experience to your ​case, and keep me right-sized and engaged with this work—I love to learn. My supervisory team includes experienced and highly ​respected therapists with advanced training and expertise in attachment work, EMDR, PACT, and psychodrama.

My partner and I have been in the Boulder community for over a decade. We have a ten-year-old and seven-year-old twins who ​support my efforts to build the capacity to stay present and regulated. I am proud to be a living kidney donor, a late bloomer, ​and a joy and awe enthusiast.




Session Rates:

53 min $140

Most individual sessions.

80 min $200

Relationships, intake, and extended sessions.


I reserve half my sessions for Medicaid clients. If you are a Medicaid client and I do not have Medicaid sessions available at the ​time of your inquiry, I am happy to make referrals for you to other Medicaid providers and/or add you to my waitlist for Medicaid ​sessions. If you are a Medicaid client, I can not accept any payment for services other than Medicaid.


I am happy to work with you to utilize your out of network benefits for reimbursement from your insurance provider, including ​providing a diagnosis and creating superbills for sessions.


My office is located at:

3825 Iris Ave #150

Boulder, CO 80301

My office is located on the first floor and is wheelchair accessible. There is ample parking for cars, including disability accessible ​spots, and 2 bike racks are available.

The nearest bus stop is for the BOLT line at 119th and 34th street and is 4 blocks with sidewalks from my office.
